Sunday, October 30, 2011

Day 5

1036 calories (including a slice of homemade lowfat pumpkin bread that is currently in the oven)
Exercise- playing with my son at the park

The past few days I have not been good with my calories or exercise. Having some financial problems and having to make some big decisions has been rough on my getting in shape plans. However I am still determined to make sure I do everything that is good for me and my son... which includes me getting in shape and eating healthier. Today I got back on track and hope to stay that way!

By the way here is the link to this low fat pumpkin bread. It smells wonderful so I'm sure it's going to taste marvelous!!

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Fried zucchini!

Going stir crazy, still not able to exercise. However I'm very excited about my healthy fried zucchini I just ate! I had one left over zucchini that needed to be used up. So I dipped zucchini rounds in egg whites with a little fat free milk. Then coated in bread crumbs. Baked them up and tasted awesome!  Less than 100 calories and totally works for my craving of fried foods!

Friday, October 28, 2011

Feeling Better

Well I am feeling better today. Calculated my calories for yesterday and since I only ate a few hundred calories for breakfast and lunch I didn't go over too bad on my crazy Nacho dinner! If the nachos were even 1000 calories that means I still only had about 1350 calories.
Also my personal problem that has made it IMPOSSIBLE to work out is getting much better! Hopefully I can finally get to the gym tomorrow.
My biggest challenge is probably going to be tonight though. My husband is going out for the night and my normal thing to do when no one is around watching is pig out on junk food! So my challenge today is to come up with something healthy for dinner and not go crazy just because he's not home. LOL Talk about an emotional eater!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Day 3...

I can give a million excuses but it doesn't change today! Had massive nachos for dinner and didn't work out. My first week is not going so good :-(

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Day 2

Day 2 just seems to be getting worse and worse! I'm having some personal physical problems that make it impossible to work out right now. Which is very depressing in itself! Also my website that I use to track my calories has not been working all day and I can't figure out why. I am pretty sure that I am good on calories today but no exercise :-(
Hopefully my calorie tracker will be working tomorrow and I'll be able to exercise!

Bad day

Having a really bad day emotionally and physically. These are the days where all I want to do is sit around and eat junk food. Good thing I don't have any in the house or I'd be in trouble. I know it would help emotionally if I exercised, but physically I can't do ANYTHING right now. Let's just hope I stick to my diet and make it through today. Hopefully I won't be in so much pain tomorrow...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Day 1

1123 Calories eaten
45 minute walk

Tonight was supposed to be my first night at the gym I just got a membership for however once  I started cleaning up after dinner I felt a sharp pain from my arch to heel. This happened a few weeks ago and my foot has been having problems ever since. So I think I have to forego the gym tonight and stay off my heel :-(

I feel like it's just an excuse and I should still go, but I really don't want it to get worse. Tomorrow's plan: go get a new cute workout outfit and hit the gym tomorrow night!


So I am very confused by Pork Sausage vs. chicken Sausage vs. Turkey Sausage!! I am finding that the calorie difference is not what you would expect! I went to the store today planning on buying a thing of chicken or turkey sausage and the chicken sausage had more calories and the same amount of fat as regular pork sausage. Does not make any sense to me! I am making an Italian sausage soup for dinner that has only 285 calories a serving. However I only added 2 sausage links instead of the 6 it called for.I never made this before so I hope it turns out good! :-)

Monday, October 24, 2011

To Eat... or Not to Eat

So I am not following any particular crash diet of sorts. I am not a big fan of diets. I have done lots of diets and they only work short term. Like I said before I am trying to live a healthy lifestyle, not a temporary one!! So here is my plan:
-Eat 1200-1300 calories a day
-Swap any white carbs for brown carbs. Ex.- brown rice, whole grain breads, Wheat pasta, etc.
-Eat 3 small meals and 2-3 snacks a day. I am going to keep fruit, yogurt, and snackable veggies on hand for snacks.
-I am going to keep some 100 calorie desserts for my 4th meal on hand. I am terrible about being hungry late at night so if I have to I'd rather have something planned then have my hubby talk me into letting him go get us junk food! He's good at that!

This may sound easy but let me tell you it is not!! I have a 2 year old that needs healthy food that he will actually eat! Including the good fats! So I will have to buy 2% milk for him and non fat for me! Regular cheese for him and low fat or fat free for me. And of course he is a stubborn and picky child so every meal is a battle! I also have a husband who needs very filling meals and wants leftovers for work the next day! I tried making a meal plan and grocery list for this week and after about an hour later I am still not happy with it!

I will be using Live Strongs website to track my calories and hopefully stay on track starting tomorrow! Wish me luck...

30 Before 30??

Here's my goal: to lose 30 pounds before I turn 30. Which is February 25, as of tomorrow only 4 months away!! Well like every other over weight mother out there, here is yet another blog in an attempt to lose weight. However for me, this is not a want, this is a need! I NEED to feel better about myself, I NEED to be able to play with my son and not get short winded and hurt after a minute, I NEED to set a good example and change my family's lifestyle for the long term and I NEED to build up the muscles in my back to prevent injury and stop being in pain all the flipping time! So my hopes with this blog is to post my journey for everyone to see and hopefully that will help motivate me!! Because who wants to post their goals online, with pictures and personal details and end up being a total failure?? Not me!!